一同性恋权益与女性的权益(十分偏激的个人感想 (第1/2页)



想到以前看美剧《摩登家庭》,2015年同性婚姻法案通过的时候itch回来抱住ca激动地说“we !”

凭什么同性相爱要被这些人评判? 凭什么否定同性婚姻的合法性? 凭什么?! 凭什么禁止女性的堕胎权? 凭什么动女性的避孕措施? why? why? why?



i reber back enty fifteen when gay arria was fally legal i reber how the lgbtq group burst to tears becae of delight and excitent

i can’t believe this if gay arria is nsidered illegal aga, what the lgbtq group should do ? i can’t believe how they will feel about this bullshit

after years of beg nsidered as perverts, as havg ntal illness, the lgbtq group’s rights were fally vdicated by the w 2015

those people try to take the rights away fro the when they are fally able to arry the pern they love legally, those people want to aga take the rights away fro the ority groups

thoas wants to take away the rights that the lgbtq group fought with such arduo work, and that’s outrao






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